
Junior Golf Parent creator Amy Spencer(left) stands with her son Kyle and family.

Some people eat, sleep and breathe golf. While some people just enjoy playing whenever they get a chance. Some parents are new to the game because their child has started playing and can feel confused and overwhelmed with what direction to go. Since January 2013 there has been a website that caters to all of the above.

Junior Golf Parents is the brainchild of Amy Spencer of Mount Pleasant, proud mother of SCJGA golfer Kyle Spencer. We here at the SCJGA first noticed JGP on twitter, and have been watching and reading the blog ever since. It is full of reflection, information on different areas of junior golf and highlights kids from around the country. Junior golf is not always about what numbers end up on the scorecard but many facets, and this website is the place to go for some great reading and insight. We asked Amy about JGP and her time as a junior golf parent. You can view her site here http://www.juniorgolfparents.com/ and on twitter @jrgolfparents.

SCJGA – When and where was the idea for Juniorgolfparents.com born?

Junior Golf Parents – The spark that lit the fuse was at the SCJGA Players Championship in November, 2012. I had been told quite a few times over the past 10 years, “you need to write down your experiences as a parent of a junior golfer – you could help so many people.” Well, one of my friends said it again during the tournament, and that’s what did it. Here’s the funny thing though, I actually thought of the name, concept, mission, goals, etc the following week while on a cruise. Everything was done between Miami and Cozumel. I remember registering the name of juniorgolfparents.com at the last second as we were heading into international waters just hoping I wasn’t running up hundreds of dollars on my cell phone. On January 1, 2013, five weeks later, Juniorgolfparents.com was launched!

SCJGA – You have a strong following on Twitter for a “newborn”, how did you gather them so quickly? Word of mouth? People just interested?

JGP – It’s really crazy to me, but, I do get extra “cool mom” points from my teenage son for it. I’ve been in marketing for about 20+ years now, so this comes a bit naturally for me. I’m very honored by this following and I try to post as many informative things that I can. I also try to make my tweets relatable for those following – you know, about not being able to breath over your son/daughter’s 2′ putt. This is also where I first announce my new blog posts which have also helped attract new followers. Let’s face it, the golf community is just so supportive and amazing and I am so appreciative to have been welcomed as I have.

SCJGA – Has the popularity of the blog/twitter surprised you?

JGP – Yes and no. I researched the market before I fully committed to this endeavor, because I wanted to make sure that I was filling a valid market need vs creating just another site saying the same thing. To my knowledge, this is the first and only website/blog that is dedicated to the parents (and supporters) of junior golfers in this fashion outside of golf tournaments and instruction. It’s very exciting to see everyone come together with the same love of the game. Since the launch 13 weeks ago, we’ve had over 5,000 unique views and so much support. We’ve even had 24 different countries represented that have engaged with JGP ~ some surprising interest from Finland, Russia, Iceland, Kenya, India and Qatar!

SCJGA – What have you learned as a junior golf parent since you started this project?


JGP uses this Junior Golf Info Graphic on their website.

JGP – Wow – lots. As I am interviewing professionals and golf industry experts, I find that parents’ attitudes and behaviors are so critical to the player’s success. I guess I always knew that, but I would have really liked to have had that information in my hands when my junior was 5 years old. I think the other thing that I have really taken heart of is that these players are giving it all they have, and we need to support them regardless if they shoot a 69 or a 129. It’s more about our attitude which directly correlates to theirs.

SCJGA – I personally believe golf can be a little overwhelming to a new parent of a junior golfer, what advice would you have for a “just starting to compete” mother/father?

JGP – It’s VERY overwhelming to a new parent of a junior golfer. Trust me, it took year to figure this out and I’m still learning. I have written a few blogs on that already, but that theme is actually one of the next steps in JGP’s life – a specific area just for parents to go to who are just beginning the journey. Stay tuned.

SCJGA – How do you see JGP growing in the future?

JGP – When I launched the website, I said that I would give it one full year to see what type of “personality” it would develop. I wanted to see what people wanted to read about, interact with and comment on. I’m starting to get a feel of what people are interested in and what people aren’t. I love highlighting juniors and their accomplishments on and off the course, so I see that as a huge building block. I also want to keep bringing in junior golf experts and creating special topic sections. It’s hard to find junior golf information in one place, so my ultimate goal is to be THE junior golf destination for folks. You know, I can’t give away all my secrets, but I do have a few cool things up my sleeve.

SCJGA – Knowing you have many more years of memories to build in the junior ranks alone, what is your personal favorite memory so far?

JGP – That’s an impossible question to answer (because if you ask any junior golf parent, we have about 4,085,094 of them), but two stand out. (1.) When my junior was 5, he was competing to qualify for the US Kids World Championship. You know the scene – last hole, last putt, tied with his competitor, and he had a 2′ putt to win. He accidentally hit the ball on his practice stroke and it barely moved. Nobody saw it move, but he did. He made the putt, but afterwards said he needed to add one more stroke to his score, thus not qualifying for the World. I’m still proud of him almost 10 years later for that. (2.) Watching him shoot his first 69 in a tournament winning round when he was 13. Can’t wait for those future memory-making moments too!

SCJGA – What is the overall goal of JGP?

JGP – To be THE destination for parents and supporters of kids who love golf. To ENGAGE. ENCOURAGE. ENJOY. Junior golf families are just that – ONE big family that everyone belongs too. We’re all in this journey together, and I want this website to reflect this community.

SCJGA – Is it more fun or work at this early stage of JGP? Do you see that changing?

JGP – It’s definitely a labor of love and comes from a deep passion of mine for junior golf. I’m not in the golf industry, so it’s not my “job”. I actually have quite a demanding full time job, so this is something I do at night and on the weekends because it’s my way of “giving back” to a sport that has given so much to me and my family over the years. I was also a junior golfer and came from a golfing family, so I guess it’s in my blood. Trust me – I had NO clue just 4 months ago how to build a website, but I figured it out. I think it will always be both fun and work at the same time – my goal is just to a have a little fun along the way.

OK, time for a few fun questions, not so serious.

SCJGA – Who is your pick to win the Masters?

JGP – I’m going with Tiger. 🙂

SCJGA – What is your favorite course that your junior golfer has played?

JGP – Although we have traveled to many amazing places across the US, I’m going to say the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island, SC which is in our backyard. It’s an honor to play the course in competition knowing some of the greatest players in the world have also competed there.

SCJGA – What is your favorite course as a Junior parent to visit?

JGP -Let’s face it, we are so blessed to play and visit the courses we do, it’s hard to pick. But, I’d have to say the Optimist’s International Championship at PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They shut down the resort just for the parents and players, the rounds are over by early afternoon, so there is actually a little time to have a bit of a vacation during the tournament.

SCJGA – Funniest thing you have ever seen at a junior golf tournament?

JGP – Hmmm – you have me on that one! Not sure….most of the tears I have seen have not been from laughter, unfortunately. 🙂

SCJGA – Did you ever or do you still get nervous when that first tee shot is about to be struck?

JGP -Is this a trick question? I get nervous over almost every shot he hits- it’s a really bad habit of mine that I have to break. I also have this awful habit of not being able to watch 3′ putts. I’m getting better though.

SCJGA – How do you help calm your player on those “long” rides home after a not so great finish? This may not actually be a fun question, but I think it is an important one.

JGP – Actually, our player has taught US over the years how to decompress on that not-so-fun car ride home after a disappointing round. We’ve learned that this is NOT the time to talk or reflect about the round because it’s just too fresh. Our players need time to just come down from everything. Our solution – a movie or earphones for music.


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